PBPN’s Levi Rickert Given Health Hero Award in Michigan

MAYETTA:  Levi Rickert, a Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation member, and editor-in-chief of  Native News Network was recently honored by receiving an award as one of West Michigan’s Health HEROES by the Alliance for Health in Grand Rapids.  The award is given to individuals who go above and beyond to promote health and to help people in need, while also creating positive, healthy change among their communities.

He was also interviewed Nov. 26 on a television program out of Chicago called the Greatness In You that can be accessed at

As editor of Rickert covers a wide variety of Native American issues and events at the tribal, state and federal level.  He has often reported on activities and members involving the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and other Potawatomi Nations in general.

He is the former executive director of the North American Indian Center in Grand Rapids and has authored several book reviews and articles about Native concerns for numerous American Indian tribal newspapers across the nation and in Canada.