January 20, 2025


Photos from Earth Day Celebration

MAYETTA:  The 12th Annual Earth Day was held yesterday at Prairie Peoples Park on the common land.  Below are some photos taken during the day.


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People got lots of exercise in several events including the 3-mile run, 3-mile bike ride & bike rodeo and the 1 1/2 mile & 3-mile predictor’s walk.  Seen above are participants taking off on one of the walks.


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Virginia LeClere, left, and Adele Thomas, right, kept track of  racing event scores and all other activities throughout the day.  LeClere is the Director of the Planning and Environmental Protection Department and Thomas works in the Family Violence Prevention program in Social Services.

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Sage Pahmahmie posed for the camera next to the Nation’s new recycling trailer that is decorated with pictures taken on the common land.  The mobile unit can be parked at various locations on the common lan dand is being used to collect recyclable materials liked mixed paper, aluminum and plastic items.


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Andrew Pahmahmie, left, and Craig Wahwahsuck, who both work for the Department of Planning and Environmental Protection, were helping out with the Earth Day activities.


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The Mayetta Business Association had a food booth at the event.  Tribal member Nancy Conboy, front left sitting, and Tribal Chair Steve Ortiz, second from left standing, made a visit to the booth and were photographed with Eldon Darnell, left of Ortiz, and to Ortiz’s right in the photo, are Gladys Schlodder, Don Walrod, Judy Darnell, and Tanya Greeve.

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Kids having fun during a tug-of-war field event.

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The Potawatomi Tribal Fire Department were on hand to help out and were also able to show off their new all-terrain vehicle that is seen above with an unidentified driver in it.  The vehicle, purchased in January, has already proved useful for its ability to get in to tight-squeeze areas like campsites and for fighting grass fires.  It has a 70-gallon water tank and the detail work that makes it a state-of-the-art unit was done by fire department personnel themselves.   In the photo, from left to right, are firefighter/EMTs Tim Morse, Frank Zeller, and Erica Spurling.

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Members of the Youth Environmental Council were recognized for their hard work this year.  Left to right, Pam Hubbard, Sierra Pahmahmie, Wahp LeClere, Lakota Knoxsah, Hannah Wahwassuck and Kwake Spoonhunter.

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Earth Day volunteers, left to right, were Roy Spoonhunter, Scott Hopkins and Chago Hale. Chago was the emcee for the day and kept the activities and events going.

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In the white hat above is Dawn LeClere who helped with the door prize raffle along with Kumos Hubbard who is holding a prize. Some of their children can also be seen helping them.  Dawn is the PBPN’s grant writer and Kumos works for the Department of Planning and EPA.

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Alvina LaClair, center, was the winner of one of the door prizes and is seen above with Marilyn Wakolee-Hale, left, and Thaymor Morris, right.  The three women helped with registration along with Kitty Shopteese who is not pictured.

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Komesh Spoonhunter was all smiles after winning a medal.

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Raphael Wahwassuck and Selena Masquat were the overall winners in the male and female categories.

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Left to right, Steve Duryea is seen with Myron Shield and Kyle Miller.  Duryea works for the Potawatomi Fire Department and Shield and Miller are both with the Department of Planning and Environmental Protection Department.