Potawatomi News Spring Issue Now Online


MAYETTA:  The Potawatomi News is now available online and can be downloaded by going to   The format of the paper was changed from a broadsheet size to a tabloid format to accommodate the new online presence.  Issues of the News from this point forward can now be accessed on the site.

The first issue of the  Potawatomi News began in 1998 and was edited by Gary Mitchell and James Jackson.  A few years later Doris Potts and Mary Young edited the News that was followed in 2003 by the co-editorship of Suzanne Heck and Mary Young. Young retired in 2007 and Heck has remained editor since.

The  Potawatomi News is a member of the Native American Journalists Association and in 2005 won a third place General Excellence award as a monthly publication. Through the years the newspaper has been periodically published as a bimonthly, monthly and quarterly publication and is funded by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation government.

The newspaper’s mission is to report on what is occurring within the Nation’s government and community in an objective and ethical manner.  Newspapers are mailed to over 3,000 adult tribal members with one paper issued per household as a means of keeping mailing costs down.