December 17, 2014 –
MAYETTA: A training was held at the Bingo Hall yesterday that taught emergency medical technicians and other providers about how to deal with patients with highly infection diseases like Ebola.
The course showed how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) and how decontamination units can be temporarily set up when needed.
The course was taught by instructors from the Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service out of College Station, Texas. Approximately 20 people attended the training that was sponsored by the Potawatomi Tribal Fire Department.
Below are some photographs taken by the News:
From left to right are members of the Potawatomi Tribal Fire Department, Mike Barbosa, Jonathan Douglas, Josh Johnson and Mike Moreno who were at the training.
Joe Lynch, holding the bucket, was one of the trainers at yesterday’s session that taught attendees how to set up a decontamination unit.
Paul Juedes, from the PTFD, donning protective personal equipment (PPE) used in the decontamination process with the help of Jon Gwartney who is also on the PTFD.
Some of the participants going through a decontamination drill.
PTFD Chief Doug Schreiner helps PTFD Assistant Chief Frank Zeller don his gear.
On the far left is Bruce Coates from the PTFD, along with other participants, taking instruction from Kent Gardner, Training Manager for the Emergency Services Taining Institute with Texas A&M.
PTFD’s Greg Bills all suited up in his PPE gear.