Prairie Peoples Park, Playgrounds and COVID-19

The Arch at Prairie Peoples Park.


The health, safety and welfare of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation people and their families is the most important responsibility and the priority of the PBPN Tribal Council, the governing authority of the PBP Nation.

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the PBPN Tribal Council put forth PBPN Resolution 2020-093, titled “Declaration of Nation Government Operations as Essential Functions and Essential Staff,” effective March 25, 2020, through April 30, 2020, subject to further notice.

Within the resolution, the Tribal Council has declared the Nation’s lands closed but for essential operations and essential staff. This means that Prairie Peoples Park and all tribal playgrounds are closed to the public.

Prairie Peoples Park grounds and shelter houses cannot be rented for events and the restroom facilities are not available.

Prairie Peoples Park does remain available for the community to drive through and walk around. Utilizing the walking trails within the community is encouraged while upholding social distancing and maintaining 6 feet of space or more between yourself and other users.

Everyone should refrain from using any playgrounds or basketball courts located on the common land as it could increase the spread of COVID-19. This includes the playgrounds/courts at Prairie Peoples Park, the Early Childhood Education Center, Boys & Girls Club and those located in Housing sites.

COVID-19 is a serious health threat and all measures should be taken to limit the spread.