January 20, 2025


Red Ribbon and Halloween Week

MAYETTA:  October has seen a busy last week on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Common Land with several events and activities taking place.

Tomorrow, Halloween will close out the month with the following events: Costumed children from the Child Care center will parade through the Boys & Girls Club gym at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. where tables with treats will be set up and  handed out by various PBPN departments and program staff.   Following that, the children will visit the Fire Keepers Elder Center who will host their own elder Halloween party beginning at 1:30 p.m. that afternoon.  That evening, Spook Nite in downtown Mayettiville will kick off at 5:30 p.m.with a costume parade and contest for the kids that is sponsored by the Prairie Band Potawatomi and Mayetta Area Business Association.

A national drug prevention campaign called Red Ribbon Week has also been occurring this week.  Staff from the Alcohol & Drug Recovery program, Healing to Wellness program, and Child Care Center have been sponsoring various events and activities designed to living a life drug free.

For example, last Monday, the Alcohol & Drug Recovery and Healing to Wellness program sponsored the National Save a Life Tour at Royal Valley High School.  The day-long multi- media event included videos and simulated driving demonstrations about drunk driving that was presented by Christopher Rich, whose sister is a victim of drunk-driving.

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Christopher Rich, Raphael Wahwassuck, Healing to Wellness Coordinator, and Mendy Thompson from the PBPN Alcohol & Drug Recovery at the Save A Life event.

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Rich speaking to students at Royal Valley High School.

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One of the students demonstrating the drunk driving simulation.

  In addition, staff from the Alcohol & Drug Recovery program and the Tribal Victim Services staff, created a Commitment Mural that was signed by children and others to signify living drug free.  Over 165 signatures were placed on the mural which was then presented at the Boys & Girls Club during an informational meeting on Oct. 23. Youth also particpated in interactive sessions like the one seen below.

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Some young girls participating in the Red Ribbon week presentation on Oct. 23 at the Boys & Girls Club.                          (Special thanks to Jennifer Hale for submitting the photo).

This week the Child Care Center is also promoting Red Ribbon Week with a door decorating contest that contains drug free messages on doors within the PBPN administration’s buildings. “Give Drugs the Slip!” where staff and children wear slippers to school are part of the fun and the week will close out with the theme of just say “Boo to Drugs” tomorrow at the Halloween celebrations.