September 25, 2024
September 28, 2024


Spring Well-Child Clinic Has Big Turnout


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From left to right are childcare instructors Therese Falls and Merry Burke (in red shirts) working with youngster Justina Jessepe in going through one of the testing exercises at the wellness clinic while Justina’s mother, Jodi looks on.


MAYETTA:   The Early Childhood Education Center Spring Health Fair and Head Start Round-Up clinic was held last Friday and had the largest turnout ever, according to Nis Wilbur who is on the center’s staff.

Forty children ages 3-5 years went through a series of health screenings administered by medical and volunteer providers throughout the day that included medical, dental and developmental testing.  Information tables and refreshments were also available.

Children are still eligible to enroll in the 2014-2015 Head Start program that is located at the center until June 30.  Head Start provides free education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services for families.  Children enrolled do not have to be enrolled in child care and parents do not need to be attending work, school, or training for their child to attend the Head Start program.

Enrollment is determined through a parent designed, point criteria system that includes tribal afffiliation, age, income, residence (on or off common land) and other special circumstances.

The center is located at 15380 K Road.