January 20, 2025


Student Recognition Night Held

MAYETTA:  The rain held off so that Student Recognition Night could be held out of doors last night in Prairie Peoples Park.

Each year students in the Johnson O’Malley (JOM) program, PBPN Boys/Girls Club, PBPN Education Department, and Title VII Indian Education-U.S.D. #337 come together to celebrate the end of the year with their families.

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Seniors were honored at last night’s Student Recognition Night and family members had fun looking at posters of photographs of each senior.

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A large crowd was on hand to enjoy the potluck dinner.

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The Royal Valley Singers and Dancers participated in a Grand Entry.

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Senior honor song.

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High school teacher Anita Evans, seen above in the black shawl, was recognized with a special honor song.  She has taught in the Rossville and Royal Valley school districts for 30 years and will be inducted into her High School Hall of Fame back in New York this fall.  She is also the adviser for the Native American Club at Royal Valley.

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Some students were given Special Recognition Awards like Kishno Bell who is seen shaking hands with members of the Parent Committee.

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Little Soldier Singers drummed and sang for the dancers throughout the evening.

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Deb Matchie-Wakolee, JOM coordinator, with Jerry Cadue.  Jerry is a graduating senior from Royal Valley High School and also received the Unsung Hero award which was one of the special awards handed out during the evening.  Seniors were also given gifts.