January 20, 2025


Summer Celebration This Saturday at Prairie Peoples Park

July 08, 2011 –


MAYETTA:   Summer time is here and what better way to enjoy it than by celebrating this weekend with the family in Prairie Peoples Park.   Pack the lawn chairs,  blankets and dishes for your food service and bring a yummy potluck to the feast.  In addition, anyone who brings a can of food or more will earn a raffle ticket per can for chances to win door prizes.   And, it’s all for a good cause as donated cans are going to Partners in Hope, a local organization in Mayetta that has a food bank.

Things kick off at 6 p.m. with a community potluck where hotdogs and bison burgers are going to be served.  At 7 p.m. old fashion carnival games will begin and kids can get their faces painted and arms and legs temporarily tattooed.  Snow cone and free popcorn stands will also be available and around 9 p.m. a clean-up-the-park activity will be held.  At dark, a fireworks display will be held and sponsors are urging that you leave your personal fireworks at home.

Fourteen programs are assisting with the Summer Celebration including the Boys & Girls Club, PBP Social Services, Language Department, EPA, Fire Department, and Police Department, to name a few.  Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) from Topeka are also going to help and the PBP Diabetes Prevention Program is providing the meat for the event and some exercise activities.

The celebration is the second community event held this year through a collaborative PBP effort.  Organizers from the Family Violence Prevention Program, housed in the Social Services Department, sponsored the first event last spring called the Easter Egg-Stravaganza  that drew over 300 people.  For more information about Saturday’s event call Jennifer Hale at 785.966.8342.