Swearing-In Ceremony for Ethics Commissioners Held Today

Trilby, Shirley, Osh new ethics comm.JPG

Three Ethics Commissioners were sworn in today at the Bingo Hall. Left to right are Trilby Wahwasuck, Shirley Trull and Virginia LeClere.

MAYETTA: Three of the four recently elected Ethics Commissioners were sworn into office this morning during a ceremony held at the Bingo Hall.

Shirley Trull, Chairperson, Trilby Wahwasuck, Vice Chairperson, and Virginia LeClere, Secretary, were all sworn into office today by Tribal Council Chairman Steve Ortiz before an audience of tribal members and staff.  Absent from the ceremony, due to being out of town, was Frank Tecumseh who was elected as Commissioner #1.  He was sworn into office earlier in the week. Two of the commission seats also remain vacant due to no filing of candidates in the last election. According to Voncile Mitchell, who is on the the Elections Board, plans are to repost the positions in the next election.

Tribal Council Secretary Jim Potter and his assistant, Pam Bowman, helped Chairman Ortiz with the swearing-in process and several members of the Tribal Council and Gaming Commission were also on hand to congratulate the new office holders. A short reception  was held following the event for everyone that attended.

The Ethics Commission is a new judicial group designed to deal with the ethical responsibilities of officials.  Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation members voted to have the new Ethics Commission last November in a BIA Secretarial Election which was part of six amendment changes made to the Nation’s Constitution.