January 20, 2025


Swearing In Ceremony For New Council Members Held

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The new PBPN Tribal Council are, left to right, Junior Wahweotten, Hattie Mitchell (treasurer), Carrie O’Toole, Tom Wabnum, Jim Potter (secretary), Joyce Guerrero (vice chairperson)  and Steve Ortiz (chairperson).  The Council was photographed following the Swearing In Ceremony held today for O’Toole, Wabnum and Guerrero who won their positions in a Run-off Election held Aug. 25.

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A large crowd attended the ceremony that was held at the Bingo Hall.

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Joyce Guerrero was elected as vice chairperson in 2008 and shakes hands with Chairman Ortiz after taking the oath of office for another four years.

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Carrie O’Toole was re-elected to her position as a Council member and is seen taking the oath of office. Her term will expire in 2016.

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Wabnum was elected as a Council member in the Run-off Election beating Jancita Warrington who previously held the seat.  Wabnum originally served on Tribal Council in the 1970s and also worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs for several years.

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Each new Council member gave short acceptance speeches after taking the oath of office.

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Chairman Ortiz signs the official papers while Secretary Jim Potter (standing) and Pam Bowman, Administrative Assistant for the Secretary’s office) look on.

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The Council formed a receiving line and well-wishers came forth to congratulate the new members.

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Jancita Warrington (turquoise dress on the front row) was photographed with Tribal Council one last time.  She was appointed in 2010 as a Council member.  For her work the PBPN presented her with a Pendleton blanket today.