Take Back the Night Walk Held April 14, 2014 –

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This year’s Take Back the Night walkers.

MAYETTA:  It was a beautiful evening for the 2014 Take Back the Night walk held last Friday night in Prairie Peoples Park.  The event was sponsored by the Tribal Victim Services program in honor of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Participants who registered received special event shirts and then convened under the arch for the walk at 7:30 p.m. Walkers then followed the paved pedestrian trail that leads north on M Road and west to Buffalo Drive near L Road.

The Tribal Victim Services program is administered by a staff of six that is housed in the Health Center.  The program serves enrolled members of federally recognized tribes who are victims of family violence or sexual assault.  In the past two years the program has received state and national recognition for their Healing to Arts and SAFESTAR programs.