October 08, 2013 –
Left to right: Lt. Governor Dr. Jeff Colyer, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, PBPN Tribal Council Treasurer Hattie Mitchell, and Kansas Governor Sam Brownback at a reception in Mission Hills.
Left to right: Congressman Ryan and Tribal Coumcil Member Carrie O’Toole in Wichita.
MAYETTA: Rep. Paul Ryan (R) from Wisconsin and a former vice presidential candidate for president, was in Kansas on Sept. 25 where he attended two receptions to raise money for Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s reelection campaign for 2014.
Tribal Council Treasurer Hattie Mitchell attended one of the receptions held in Mission Hills and Tribal Council members Carrie O’Toole and Tom Wabnum attended another reception in Wichita that day.
Brownback is seeking a second term as Kansas governor in 2014 and is running against candidates Democratic State Representative Paul Davis and Keen Umbehr and Tresa MaAlhaney from the Libertarian Party.