Attorney & Lay Advocate


Potawatomi Law and Order Code, Chapter 5-6
The bar shall consist of those attorneys and lay advocates admitted to practice before these Courts. Applicant shall file a written petition for admission. Admission is designed to acquaint the applicants with certain aspects of practice in this Court, emphasizing the Tribal law and Tribal Court Rules. Each applicant shall take and subscribe to the Oath of Attorney before being admitted as a member of the bar of this Court. At the direction of the Tribal Court, an attorney may be granted temporary admission to practice in a pending case.

Any member of a federally recognized Indian Tribe shall be eligible for admission as a lay advocate and be held to the same standards, be entitled to the same rights, privileges, obligations, and duties, as any attorney admitted to practice before the Courts of the Tribe within this Reservation. Any American Bar Association member in good standing of any competent jurisdiction is eligible for admission to the Bar of this Court.

Any member of this Bar who is guilty of violating his oath of office, misconduct, disbarred from any court of competent jurisdiction, resigns from the Bar, or who voluntarily permits the expiration of his license to practice, shall be, by this Court, deemed to have been disbarred.

Appearance of Counsel
Any member of the Bar shall enter his appearance by signing and filing a pleading, or by signing and filing a form prescribed by the Court stating that he is the counsel of record.

Courtroom Decorum
The purpose of this rule is to emphasize the ethical principles applicable to the lawyer’s conduct in the courtroom. Members of the Bar appearing in this Court shall:

(A) Be punctual
(B) Not address one another by first names.
(C) Not leave while Court is in session, unless Court’s permission has been first obtained.
(D) Show respect for all individuals.
(E) Not approach jurors who have completed a case unless authorized by the Court.
(F) Avoid approaching the bench as much as possible.
(G) Advise clients, witnesses, and other interested persons concerning rules of decorum to be observed in Court.
(H) Rise when addressing, or being addressed by the Court.