Tribal Police Department Hold Open House

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A large crowd attended an open house today at the Tribal Police Department headquarters located on Q Road.  The department gave tours of the facility and offered lunch to everyone.

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Herb Nance grilled hotdogs and hamburgers.

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Staff from the Tribal Victim Services (TVS) program had face painting for the kids.  The TVS program, that is housed in the Social Services Department,  works closely with the Tribal Police Department.

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Attendees at the open house selected several give aways that were available.

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WIBW-TV 13 News Anchor Sarah Plake was photographed with Miyah Danielson who works in the Judicial Center.  The Topeka television station covered the event today.

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In the foreground is John Hurla creating a youth identification card for one of the attendees. In the background is Chief of Police Shawn Walker visiting with the WIBW news crew.

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Tribal Police Department employees Micky Houk and Jayne Wooten.