January 20, 2025


U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom Addresses Four Tribes

October 29, 2013 –

MAYETTA: U.S. Attorney for Kansas Barry Grissom gave a presentation Oct. 29  to the four tribes in Kansas at the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) Bingo Hall in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Grissom announced that he would have come earlier in the month but due to the government shutdown was forced to delay his appearance until today.

Tribal Council members from all four tribes were present and many others attended the event. During his speech, Grissom spoke about the recently enacted federal Violence Against Women Act that includes a provision for protecting Native American women on reservations from non-Indian offenders. He stressed that he was pleased with the new law and that it would be a failure of the federal administration to not protect Native American women and girls from abuse and to make sure that criminals are held accountable for their actions.

Grissom also praised the PBPN Tribal Victim Services program for their innovative healing through arts program and said that having good resources and prevention programs like in the PBPN community is helping to turn the tide of domestic violence from a once silent issue to  one where there is wide community discussion and support.

Grissom also stated that the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri ($222,799) and the PBPN ($777,096) were recent recipients of two large grants from the Department of Justice totaling almost $1 million to assist them in supporting their tribal communities and to help them fight crime.

Below are some photos taken at the event today:

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U.S. Attorney of Kansas Barry Grissom (third from left, sitting) with Tribal Council members of the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, Iowa Tribe in Kansas and Nebraska, and Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

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Vice Chairperson Joyce Guerrero gave welcome remarks at the event.

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PBPN Tribal Council with Grissom.  (Left to right) Junior Wahweotten, Hattie Mitchell, Grissom, Joyce Guerrero and Carrie O’Toole.  Jim Potter also attended the event but is not pictured.

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(Left to right) Samantha Wahquahboshkuk, Grissom and Shirley Rice.  The women are on the Tribal Victim Services program staff.

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The Royal Valley jazz band provided opening entertainment for today’s event.