January 20, 2025


Update From PBPN Food Commodities Program

October 02, 2013 –


There are some exciting changes at the Potawatomi Food Distribution Program! First, and most importantly, per capita payments that are distributed to tribal members less frequently than monthly (e.g., quarterly, semiannually or annually) are excluded from consideration as income. This means there will be no more waiting periods for clients who receive quarterly per capita payments.

Second, households that incur monthly medical expenses by any elderly (60 years or older) or disabled member are allowed a deduction in the amount of out-of-pocket medical expenses paid in excess of $35 per month.

Third, households that incur at least one monthly shelter or utility expense are allowed a standard income deduction set by USDA Food & Nutrition Service. The standard income deduction for Kansas is $400. Allowable shelter expense is defined as “continuing charges for the shelter occupied by the household”, which includes rent, mortgage, home loan payments, property taxes and insurance on the structure itself. Allowable utilities includes the monthly, recurring cost of electricity, propane, water, sewerage, garbage and trash collection, and all service fees required to provide service for one telephone per household. Documentation is required for verification.

Another new deduction is the “Home Care Meal-Related Deduction”. Households who furnish the majority of meals for a Home Care Attendant are allowed an income deduction equal to the maximum SNAP benefit for a one-person household. The amounts are as follows:

  • October 1, 2013 – October 31, 2013 = $200
  • November 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014 = $189

Lastly, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Monthly Income Standards have been updated as follows:

Household Size FDPIR Monthly Income Limit
1 $1,110
2 $1,445
3 $1,780
4 $2,126
5 $2,489
6 $2,852
7 $3,187
8 $3,522
9 $3,857
10 $4,192
Each additional member + $335

(Effective October 1, 2013)


Other FDPIR Income Deductions:

Earned Income Deduction: Households with earned income are allowed a deduction of 20% of their earned income.

Dependent Care Deduction: Households that qualify for the dependent care deduction are allowed a deduction of actual dependent care costs paid monthly to a non-household member.

Child Support Deduction: Households that incur the cost of legally required child support to or for a non-household member are allowed a deduction for the amount of monthly child support paid.


Reporting Requirements:

Certified households are required to report the following changes within 10 days of the date the change becomes known to the household:


  1. A change in household composition, such as the addition or loss of a household member;
  2. An increase in gross monthly income of more than $100;
  3. Address changes, even if it is a temporary move;
  4. When the household no longer incurs a shelter or utility expense; or
  5. A change in the legal obligation to pay child support; and
  6. Any other changes that my affect program eligibility or benefit level.

IMPORTANT: Failure to report a change may result in a monetary claim being established against the household and/or disqualification from participation in the Food Distribution Program.

If you have any questions, please call Commodities at (785) 966-2718.