Vice-Chairperson Guerrero to Represent PBPN at White House Conference


November 07, 2013 –

MAYETTA:  Joyce Guerrero, Tribal Council Vice-Chairperson, will travel to Washington, D.C. next week to represent the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation at the 5th Annual White House Tribal Nations Conference.


On Wednesday, November 13, President Obama will host the White House Tribal Nations Conference at the Department of the Interior where he is expected to give remarks during the closing session.


The conference will provide leaders from the 566 federally recognized tribes the opportunity to interact directly with the president and members of the White House Council on Native American Affairs.  The Obama Administration began the conference in 2009 as a means of building upon the president’s commitment to strengthen the government-to-government relationship with Indian Country and to improve the lives of Native Americans.


A series of preparatory meetings and breakout sessions between Native American groups and federal legislators are also scheduled to occur during the conference.