Ethics Commissioners Sworn In


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(Left to right)  Tom Wabnum, Rencie Eteeyan, Joyce Guerrero, Mamie Rupnicki, Camilla Chouteau and Kassie James. 

MAYETTA: Three new members of  the Ethics Commission were sworn in to office July 30 at the Bingo Hall.  Commissioners sworn in were Mamie Rupnicki, chairperson, Rencie Eteeyan, vice-chairperson, and Kassie James, secretary.

The purpos of the Ethics Commission is to investigate and hear complaints against Nation officials through a Code of Ethics.  For details about the Ethics Commission click on

Tribal Council Vice Chairperson Joyce Guerrero conducted the oaths of office for each member.  Other Council members including Camilla Chouteau and Tom Wabnum also attended today along with other employees and tribal members.

Following the ceremony cake and coffee was served.  Members of the Election Committee are Sara Gartenmayer, Arlene Lingo and Sherri Landis.  Paul Vega and  Elizabeth Gaona are on the staff in the Member Services Department.
