January 20, 2025


Swearing in Ceremony for Hattie Mitchell Thursday

August 01, 2012 –

Hattie E. Mitchell, CPA 1.jpg

MAYETTA:  Hattie Mitchell will be sworn in to the Tribal Council on Thursday, August 2 at the Rock/Community building at 9:30 a.m.  In the Tribal Council/Ethics Commission election held last Saturday she beat Paul Vega and Noah Wahquahboshkuk for the position.

Mitchell is a certified public accountant (CPA) and has presently been working as an accountant in the PBPN Finance department.  She also worked for six years as an accountant and financial performance analyst at Security Benefit in Topeka, and prior to that for five years at Harrah’s Prairie Band Casino (now Prairie Band Casino & Resort) in Mayetta.

She received her college education from Washburn University and also had summer educational experiences in a management program at Harvard Business School and in International Politics at Cambridge University in England.

She was raised on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Common Land and is a volunteer and fundraiser for several local organizations.

In other election coverage, today is the last day to file a protest of the election and the Run-off election has been scheduled for Saturday, August 25 at the Rock building.  Candidates who are running in that election are:  Vice Chairperson-Calvin Evans and Joyce Guerrero; Council Person #2-Thomas M. Wabnum (Mektewzi or Hoppy) and Jancita Warrington; Council Person #3-Anita G. Pahmahmie Evans and Carrie Wabaunsee O’Toole.   According to Director of Elections Voncile Mitchell, ballots will be mailed to voters as soon as they are prepared.

Below are photos of the Run-off candidates and their profiles can be found  at

Vice Chairperson

Calvin Evans 1.jpg

Calvin Evans

Joyce Kitchkommie Guerrero 1.jpg

Joyce Kitchkommie Guerrero

Council Person #2

Thomas M. Wabnum 1.jpg

Thomas Wabnum (Mektewzi or Hoppy)

Jancita Warrington 1.jpg

Jancita Warrington

Council Person #3

Anita Evans 1.jpg

Anita G. Pahmahmie Evans


Carrie Wabaunsee O’Toole